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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: A model of domain, Planning and application of a task, Strategies are ways of applying Techniques / skills, strategic / conditional is to know when, where and why, A domain model is active, constructivist, A domain model was created by Meichenbaum & Biemiller, knowledge can be procedural, Y Dimension indicates the degree of self-direction, Guide/counselor corresponds with Consulting/advising, Tasks which involve action plan, Y Dimension being 3 roles for teacher, Tasks which involve implementation, student as Acquisition, implementation including Assessment, X Dimension denotes the level of difficulty of the techniques, repeated practice and corrective feedback can automate the techniques, Consolidation through repeated practice and corrective feedback, the level of difficulty of the techniques required for a task, student as Consulting/advising, knowledge can be strategic / conditional, teacher like Creating support structures